police intercept 4.41   But police intercepted them.
  authority intercept 1.51   Spanish customs authorities intercepted the haul last January.
  jet intercept 1.38   A Pakistan air force jet intercepted the helicopter, an army statement said.
  official intercept 1.18   Prison officials intercepted that scam, too.
  force intercept 1.05   El Tiempo said security forces intercepted the conversation.
  guard intercept 1.05   They were intercepted by guards after attacking the home of the local police chief, witnesses said.
  disturbance intercept 0.99   Showers and thunderstorms will develop along the Southeast coast as a jet stream disturbance intercepts an old front.
  navy intercept 0.99   The French navy also intercepted nine Greenpeace inflatable rafts.
  patrol intercept 0.99   A police patrol later intercepted their vehicle, leading to the shootout.
  soldier intercept 0.92   He said soldiers intercepted rebel radio messages requesting reinforcements from other Abu Sayyaf units.
  air intercept 0.72   As the warm air intercepts an approaching cold front, isolated storms will erupt in the Dakotas.
  cornerback intercept 0.72   The ball was intercepted by cornerback Eric Allen.
  safety intercept 0.72   Walsh was intercepted by safety Merton Hanks.
  military intercept 0.66   The military intercepted rebel radio messages appealing for help.
  cutter intercept 0.59   The information comes in, and the cutter intercepts a boat.
  plane intercept 0.59   Air force fighter planes intercepted the Boeing as it entered Israeli airspace, the television reported.
  officer intercept 0.53   Police officers also intercepted a third taxi, but its passengers escaped.
  troop intercept 0.53   The soldiers surrendered when troops loyal to Buyoya intercepted them.
  boat intercept 0.46   Three German navy boats intercepted the ship and the inspectors discovered the tanks in its cargo.
  agent intercept 0.39   FBI agents intercepted a series of cryptic messages the suspects left for Kopp in an e-mail account, the complaint said.
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