criminal intent 4.67   Andersen has denied any criminal intent.
  original intent 2.76   But whose original intent?
  malicious intent 2.04   Police suspect malicious intent.
  serious intent 1.32   No serious intent.
  real intent 1.12   But those are second to my real intent.
  evil intent 0.99   There is no evil intent.
  congressional intent 0.79   Congressional intent is to bring in more skilled workers.
  apparent intent 0.72   The apparent intent, police said, was to destablize the peace process.
  legislative intent 0.72   His arguments focused mainly on legislative intent.
  clear intent 0.66   They used clear intent of the voter.
  hostile intent 0.66   Quinn went on to write that Allen has no hostile intent.
  racist intent 0.59   The airline denied racist intent to the Times.
  discriminatory intent 0.46   Instead, she must show that school officials acted with discriminatory intent.
  possible intent 0.46   The two officers also face felony charges of causing a shipwreck with possible intent.
  sole intent 0.46   Applewhite says his sole intent is to be ready to play.
  specific intent 0.46   The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs.
  aggressive intent 0.39   But Harry, masking aggressive intent beneath rosy-cheeked affability, insists they socialize.
  main intent 0.39   Butler said his main intent was pedagogical.
  peaceful intent 0.39   China touted the peaceful intent of the new grouping announced Friday, saying its focus was economic.
  true intent 0.39   His argument, put simply, is that dimples show the true intent of the voter.
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