food intake 3.49   But food intake is just half the story.
  alcohol intake 3.23   Worries about her alcohol intake.
  air intake 1.71   Through that low-lying air intake.
  calcium intake 1.32   But increasing calcium intake may be difficult and confusing.
  water intake 1.18   Increase water intake as physical activity increases.
  energy intake 0.79   Energy intake, however, was not measured.
  protein intake 0.59   Higher protein intakes may promote the loss of calcium from bones as well.
  sugar intake 0.59   -Watch your sugar intake.
  caffeine intake 0.53   The IOC has limits on caffeine intake.
  oxygen intake 0.46   The players had their oxygen intake monitored as they rode stationary bikes.
  fiber intake 0.33   -Increase your fiber intake.
  student intake 0.33   Anuwar said UKM would increase its student intake in the coming years.
  carbohydrate intake 0.26   Carbohydrate intake later in the day should be simple carbs, Bill says.
  drug intake 0.26   His prodigious drug intake, Gahan now says, was an attempt to counter his sense of self-loathing, to block questions of identity.
  engine intake 0.26   An engine intake sits where the cockpit normally would be.
  immigration intake 0.26   Three percent said the immigration intake is too low, and the remaining two percent had no opinion.
  sodium intake 0.26   I recommend it, unless you are watching your sodium intake.
  year intake 0.26   There are two intakes each year, in January and July.
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