thermal insulation 1.05   New thermal insulation was installed around the O-ring seals.
  extra insulation 0.79   A reflective space blanket tarp provides some extra insulation.
  new insulation 0.79   Is there any new insulation?
  rigid insulation 0.72   Would rigid insulation be OK to insert?
  asbestos insulation 0.66   Asbestos insulation needs to be replaced.
  blown-in insulation 0.59   I am concerned about that blown-in insulation.
  home insulation 0.53   Instead, more money for home insulation to conserve energy.
  sound insulation 0.53   A builder said to put sound insulation in the wall.
  better insulation 0.46   Better insulation has cut electric bills by about a third, Velasco said.
  old insulation 0.46   Would asbestos be in old insulation?
  ceiling insulation 0.39   But why bother with basement ceiling insulation?
  good insulation 0.39   Good insulation can save you money on heating bills.
  pink insulation 0.39   Pink insulation was left hanging from trees.
  wet insulation 0.39   Then remove wet insulation and get rid of it.
  yellow insulation 0.39   Yellow insulation hangs from bare tree limbs.
  electrical insulation 0.33   The oil will act as an electrical insulation and a cooling agent for the cables.
  added insulation 0.26   Could the added insulation have caused this?
  adding insulation 0.26   Adding insulation is another do-it-yourself job in the attic.
  additional insulation 0.26   Standing on this will provide additional insulation when you replace fuses.
  plastic insulation 0.26   First, whittle away the plastic insulation on the outside.
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