give instruction 19.55   Basic cooking instructions are given.
  follow instruction 18.63   Follow instructions.
  receive instruction 13.69   After that, I received more instructions.
  issue instruction 6.06   The left has issued similar instructions.
  have instruction 5.92   I had some instructions.
  provide instruction 5.20   Both provide solid instruction, reviewers say.
  await instruction 4.81   He said the mission was awaiting instructions.
  include instruction 4.48   Be sure to include instructions for the user.
  offer instruction 3.69   The wizard never fails to offer instructions.
  read instruction 3.62   And read the instructions!
  get instruction 3.29   Can I get some instructions?
  take instruction 2.63   And everybody had to take instruction?
  leave instruction 2.57   Some leave instructions.
  contain instruction 2.37   Netanyahu said the paper contained the instructions from Rabin to Shahak.
  obey instruction 2.04   She obeyed instructions.
  need instruction 1.97   Just who needs those instructions?
  shout instruction 1.97   Wenger stood on the sidelines shouting instructions.
  send instruction 1.91   The people who are sending instructions are really mediocre.
  ignore instruction 1.84   Mine officials said Shekirov ignored safety instructions.
  bark instruction 1.25   A German peacekeeper barked instructions at Afghan officers.
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