jury instruction 4.15   Ito reads jury instructions.
  classroom instruction 2.57   Classroom instruction.
  package instruction 1.84   Cook according to package instructions.
  language instruction 1.78   He has had two years of Russian language instruction.
  safety instruction 1.65   Read the safety instructions on the label.
  installation instruction 1.05   Read the installation instructions.
  government instruction 0.79   Companies which did not obey government instructions would have their directors replaced.
  flight instruction 0.66   One, detained in Minnesota, had sought flight instruction.
  police instruction 0.66   Follow police instructions and move on.
  art instruction 0.59   Their art instruction was also particularly challenging.
  computer instruction 0.59   The crew punched in computer instructions to guide them to Tulua.
  label instruction 0.53   And always obey label instructions.
  traffic instruction 0.46   Pilots at some low-cost airlines were reported on Tuesday to have put passengers at risk by disobeying air traffic control instructions.
  music instruction 0.39   One piece of the mural dealt with classroom activities -- music instruction, home economics and wood shop.
  preparation instruction 0.39   Add gift tags with preparation instructions.
  golf instruction 0.33   One such market is video-based golf instruction.
  last-minute instruction 0.33   Phelps offered him some last-minute instruction.
  phonics instruction 0.33   The state went on to mandate systematic phonics instruction.
  school instruction 0.33   Show me the new schools instructions.
  ski instruction 0.33   Ski instruction, equipment and meals are provided by the organizers.
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