polling institute 2.37   They were conducted by the IMAS polling institute.
  new institute 2.17   He hopes to start two new institutes and write a book.
  training institute 2.17   The training institute also has been updated.
  scientific institute 1.78   Israeli scientific institutes may be associated with certain EU research programs.
  statistical institute 1.32   The figures were published by the Istat statistical institute.
  technical institute 1.32   The detachment guarding the technical institute fled.
  national institute 1.18   The body also recommended the establishment of a national institute for flight safety.
  economic institute 1.05   The DIHT survey echoed a report today from the Ifo economic institute.
  russian institute 1.05   Some of these materials are housed at Ministry of Atomic Energy facilities and other Russian institutes.
  electoral institute 0.86   It criticized the state electoral institute for errors in its preliminary count.
  private institute 0.86   The private PRIO institute has worked on peace efforts in Cyprus, the Balkans and elsewhere.
  the institute 0.86   The other institute is the Malaysia Maritime Academy in Malacca.
  medical institute 0.79   The powder has been sent for tests to a state medical institute.
  military institute 0.79   The lone boy plans to study radioelectronics at a military institute.
  educational institute 0.72   It is also checking on the educational institutes of higher education in Malaysia.
  financial institute 0.72   He also directed a financial institute affiliated to the mosque.
  nonprofit institute 0.72   The nonprofit institute operates in conjunction with the National Park Service.
  insurance institute 0.66   The insurance institute, of Arlington, Va., conducts four tests.
  official institute 0.66   The official statistical institute, INSEE, in publishing final figures confirmed initial estimates.
  islamic institute 0.59   Algerian who worked at Milan Islamic institute stopped by police,
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