conduct inspection 9.35   He was conducting an inspection in the factory.
  allow inspection 7.97   Instead, it allows visual inspections from remote locations.
  pass inspection 5.46   Somehow we passed inspection.
  carry inspection 4.67   The inspection was carried out Tuesday.
  complete inspection 3.88   The inspection was completed this year.
  order inspection 3.03   U.S. agency orders immediate inspections.
  require inspection 3.03   They require fewer inspections and rarely need repairs.
  resume inspection 3.03   American-led team resumes weapons inspections.
  make inspection 2.83   DEQ had made five inspections.
  perform inspection 2.63   He said the inspection will be performed annually.
  permit inspection 2.37   Nothing will induce him to permit unfettered inspections.
  do inspection 2.30   The inspections are done.
  block inspection 2.11   Iraq says it will block inspections by American-led U.N. team.
  fail inspection 2.11   The car failed inspection.
  include inspection 2.11   Tours will include the inspection of Ground Zero.
  step_up inspection 2.04   But those inspections were stepped up Tuesday.
  undergo inspection 1.97   The four active locomotives undergo constant inspections.
  oversee inspection 1.45   UNSCOM is the U.N. Special Commission on Iraq, which oversees weapons inspections.
  accept inspection 1.38   Similarly, EU regulators will accept FDA inspections of U.S. plants.
  end inspection 1.32   The move ended spot inspections of suspected weapons sites.
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