weapon inspection 27.65   The UN is committed to sanctions in Iraq until the weapons inspections are complete.
  safety inspection 8.10   Safety inspections are now underway.
  arm inspection 6.78   UNSCOM then stopped new arms inspections.
  surprise inspection 4.94   Surprise inspections could still prove a problem.
  palace inspection 1.78   The first palace inspections are expected later this month.
  health inspection 1.45   All cruise ships are given periodic health inspections.
  custom inspection 1.38   Customs inspections were also toughened.
  site inspection 1.38   The letter followed a two-week site inspection.
  export inspection 1.25   Wheat, too, slumped on weak export inspections.
  government inspection 1.12   They also found the government inspection controls effective.
  food inspection 0.99   The Clinton administration has done much to improve food safety inspections.
  fire inspection 0.79   It passed a fire inspection in April.
  vehicle inspection 0.79   -- Want dealerships to offer vehicle safety inspections.
  meat inspection 0.66   And, oh yes, stepped-up meat inspection.
  security inspection 0.66   A further security inspection is due Monday afternoon.
  border inspection 0.59   Other areas covered were immigration, refugee matters and border inspection and maintenance.
  auto inspection 0.53   They mandate yearly auto inspections.
  car inspection 0.53   Collins said the Assembly does not intend to conduct an investigation of car inspections as the Senate will.
  truck inspection 0.53   In Arlington, two officers are assigned to truck inspections.
  city inspection 0.46   Waits for city inspections took weeks, while apartments were supposed to stay vacant.
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