say insider 0.53   Ainslie said insiders and venture capitalists were selling their stock in Isis.
  investigate insider 0.46   It is also investigating possible insider trading.
  prevent insider 0.46   This is aimed at preventing insider dealing and promoting Market transparency.
  include insider 0.39   The charges include insider trading.
  curb insider 0.26   However, it was not long before the courts began to use the provision in an attempt to curb insider trading.
  enrich insider 0.26   As in most other former Soviet republics, privatization sales of state property in Armenia are widely believed to have been rigged to enrich a few insiders.
  have insider 0.26   In an effort to better control pay, Calpers demands that no company have insiders on their compensation committee.
  prohibit insider 0.26   Such insider trading is prohibited in Japan.
  quote insider 0.26   LS military action against Iraq, newspapers here reported Friday, quoting government insiders.
  track insider 0.26   The transactions were disclosed by the Washington Service, which tracks insider trading.
  violate insider 0.26   Trading before such knowledge becomes public can violate federal insider trading law.
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