beneficial insect 3.03   Some, like buckwheat, attract beneficial insects.
  flying insect 2.11   ...species of flying insects.
  tiny insect 1.84   ...tiny parasitic insects.
  small insect 1.45   Toads mainly eat small dark flying insects.
  social insect 1.25 insects like bees and ants.
  aquatic insect 1.05   This destroys the habitat of aquatic insects and smothers fish eggs.
  winged insect 0.72   Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects.
  biting insect 0.59   The rooms are infested with biting insects.
  parasitic insect 0.46   ...tiny parasitic insects.
  stinging insect 0.46   Honeybees are the most common of the stinging insects.
  adult insect 0.39   So, by sight, sound and smell, the adult insects attract their mates.
  black insect 0.39   Flea beetles are tiny, hopping black insects that eat holes in leaves.
  dead insect 0.39   Will they eat dead insects or pieces of meat?
  large insect 0.39   Both are moderately large insects.
  pesky insect 0.39   But first, those pesky insects.
  resistant insect 0.39   But because any pesticide spurs the emergence of resistant insects, some scientists say tougher bugs are inevitable in the long run.
  state insect 0.39   We now have a state insect.
  sterile insect 0.39   Knipling was honored for having developed the use of sterile insects to fight insect pests.
  disease-carrying insect 0.33   He urged cleanup crews to watch for containers with standing water, perfect breeding grounds for the disease-carrying insects.
  giant insect 0.33   The given existence of giant insects.
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