technological innovation 9.35   Another positive is technological innovation.
  technical innovation 2.70   The brothers were also unafraid of technical innovations.
  recent innovation 1.71   In those days, the automobile was a recent innovation.
  new innovation 1.51   This is a new innovation.
  major innovation 1.38   Other major innovations included a common canteen and common uniforms.
  latest innovation 1.32   The latest innovation for the World Series is the Supershot camera.
  important innovation 0.86   The most important innovation is in the frame.
  educational innovation 0.66   The NCAA should be promoting educational innovation, not obstructing it.
  modern innovation 0.66   Pads of steel wool are a modern innovation.
  financial innovation 0.59   And he was interested in financial innovation, especially in banking.
  marketing innovation 0.59   As a marketing innovation, the sachet draws its power from its low unit price.
  constant innovation 0.53   Constant innovation and a rapid cycle of obsolescence are just part of life these days.
  medical innovation 0.53   Usage is rising as surgeries increase and more medical innovations require transfusions.
  rapid innovation 0.53   Competition remains incredibly fierce, through rapid innovation.
  first innovation 0.46   The first innovation remains.
  great innovation 0.46   Great innovation, right?
  industrial innovation 0.46   -- greater incentives for industrial innovation.
  real innovation 0.46   Real innovation was not on the agenda.
  successful innovation 0.46   Cities are huge bubbling caldrons of successful innovations and ideas.
  biggest innovation 0.39   His biggest innovation is in welfare.
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