actual innocence 0.99   Sure, many of the executed claimed actual innocence up to the end.
  lost innocence 0.92   Call it a matter of lost innocence.
  youthful innocence 0.86   For all the youthful innocence, it was a setup.
  childlike innocence 0.79   The childlike innocence.
  wide-eyed innocence 0.66   No, says Tiffany with wide-eyed innocence.
  total innocence 0.46   He stood and looked at her with an expression of total innocence.
  american innocence 0.39   The deficit is gone, but so is American innocence about the presidency.
  childish innocence 0.33   There was a kind of blissful, enchanted childish innocence.
  sweet innocence 0.33   ...the sweet innocence of youth.
  boyish innocence 0.26   There is a boyish innocence about Lee.
  political innocence 0.26   Or are such comments a sign of real political innocence?
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