kill inmate 5.73   One inmate was killed.
  take inmate 2.76   Take the inmate named Orlock.
  release inmate 2.50   Neither inmate was released.
  injure inmate 2.04   Twelve inmates were injured.
  execute inmate 1.91   Three inmates were executed in July.
  put inmate 1.91   That should put the inmate to sleep.
  beat inmate 1.84   Some hostages said police were beating the inmates.
  transfer inmate 1.58   Some inmates were being transferred to other prisons.
  hold inmate 1.45   They said it was no longer capable of holding inmates.
  treat inmate 1.45   Seven inmates were also treated at the hospital for smoke inhalation.
  house inmate 1.38   In New Jersey and Arizona, inmates are housed in tents.
  send inmate 1.38   Prisons sent well-behaved inmates home to join with loved ones.
  prevent inmate 1.32   Soldiers surrounded the jail to prevent inmates from escaping.
  free inmate 1.18   The inmate was freed later in the day.
  arm inmate 1.12   He said the inmates were not armed.
  torture inmate 1.05   Prison wardens torture inmates.
  charge inmate 0.99   An inmate was charged with the murder.
  move inmate 0.99   Fitzgerald said it is policy to move inmates when they get an execution date.
  represent inmate 0.99   Represented Death Row inmate Gary Graham before the U.S. Court of Appeals.
  see inmate 0.99   Journalists no longer can see the inmates.
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