government influence 1.71   Deputy Prime Minister John Manley denied that government influence played a role.
  mob influence 1.71   Mob influence in the industry is given a nod and a wink.
  mountain influence 0.59   Daytime heating and mountain influences have acted to further destabilize the airmass.
  peer influence 0.53   Somehow, without guidance and peer influence, cricketers are apt to bite the hand that feeds them.
  medium influence 0.46   If teens are resisting media influence because of AIDS, it has taken a while.
  fashion influence 0.33   But the biggest fashion influence this year came out of Italy.
  world influence 0.33   Britain still exercised considerable world influence.
  army influence 0.26   All have been to military installations amid reports of rising army influence.
  country influence 0.26   But they were joined by country influences from England and Italy.
  drug influence 0.26   Drug companies influence the scientific process every step of the way.
  industry influence 0.26   Officials deny substantial oil industry influence on the report.
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