premature infant 3.62   Premature infants were another big-ticket item.
  newborn infant 1.78   Newborn infants spend a lot of time sleeping.
  black infant 1.12   Mandela leads outrage in shooting death of black infant.
  born infant 1.12   Is it responsible to deny benefits for infants born to unwed teen mothers?
  human infant 0.86   Cog is a robot built in analogy to a human infant.
  tiny infant 0.72   A tiny infant slept peacefully at her breast, cradled in a sling.
  crying infant 0.66   At a glance, dozens seemed to be crying infants.
  healthy infant 0.59   In severe cases, a previously healthy infant suddenly screams in pain.
  young infant 0.59   How important is talking to a young infant?
  sick infant 0.46   Sick infants are treated in the intensive care nursery.
  adopted infant 0.39   Some visas for newly adopted Cambodian infants are being issued, he said.
  breast-fed infant 0.39   Studies have shown that breast-fed infants grow into healthier babies and more well-adjusted adults.
  white infant 0.39   And they badly want a white infant.
  abandoned infant 0.33   Anthony Williams started life as an abandoned infant in Los Angeles.
  dead infant 0.33   Dead infants.
  slain infant 0.33   Christianity has long celebrated the slain infants of Bethlehem as the first Christian martyrs.
  sleeping infant 0.33   The marketing angle is that you can check sleeping infants without waking them.
  the infant 0.33   Steven Seeley looked OK, as did the other infants.
  cambodian infant 0.26   Some visas for newly adopted Cambodian infants are being issued, he said.
  female infant 0.26   In such litters, female infants grow up to become affectionate mothers.
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