doctor induce 0.72   The plan is for doctors to induce labor.
  drug induce 0.72   The drug induces hallucinations at high doses.
  tumor induce 0.46   Tumors must induce the body to form a blood supply to them.
  indomethacin induce 0.33   The source of oxygen radicals in gastric mucosal injury induced by indomethacin in rats is not clear.
  company induce 0.26   And it would ease concerns cited by Fed policymakers of higher inflation induced by companies raising prices to cover wage increases.
  mechanism induce 0.26   This also seems to be the mechanism of piroxicam induced liver damage.
  radiation induce 0.26   Eventually, both also died of diseases induced by radiation.
  rate induce 0.26   Higher rates could induce investors seeking higher yields offered by dollar-denominated deposits to buy the U.S. currency.
  researcher induce 0.26   The researchers induced strokes in rats.
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