oppose inclusion 1.78   The drug companies had opposed its inclusion.
  reject inclusion 0.99   Analysts predict predominantly Christian provinces would reject inclusion.
  support inclusion 0.72   Scientific evidence supports the inclusion of the seven new conditions, he said.
  allow inclusion 0.46   They also allow the inclusion of the latest published material.
  welcome inclusion 0.46   Religious school leaders welcomed the inclusion.
  consider inclusion 0.39   Here we must consider the inclusion of time effects in more detail.
  demand inclusion 0.39   In particular, he said, the opposition was demanding inclusion in any future commission for national reconciliation.
  favor inclusion 0.39   The EU members favor rapid inclusion of China.
  protest inclusion 0.39   Moscow protested the inclusion of the former Soviet bloc nations, but was unable to halt the move.
  urge inclusion 0.39   School prayer was not part of the contract, even though several Republicans had urged its inclusion.
  defend inclusion 0.33   But he defended their inclusion.
  merit inclusion 0.33   However, their potential implications for the major conurbations merits their inclusion here.
  promote inclusion 0.33   -- Support institutions that promote racial inclusion.
  justify inclusion 0.26   Liechtenstein though have justified their inclusion in the competition.
  seek inclusion 0.26   In the second case, plaintiffs sought the inclusion of other rejected absentee ballots.
  suggest inclusion 0.26   For instance, they suggested the inclusion of guidelines for evaluating the effects of PCBs on pregnant and lactating women.
  want inclusion 0.26   We want inclusion.
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