resist impulse 2.30   Resist the impulse to stir.
  have impulse 0.72   People had the impulse for years.
  understand impulse 0.72   Rockhounds understand that impulse.
  control impulse 0.66   He has to learn to control his impulses.
  transmit impulse 0.66   The electrodes can transmit electrical impulses produced by the brain to a computer.
  carry impulse 0.53   Chemical messengers carry the impulse across the synapse.
  send impulse 0.53   Electrical impulses are sent down the copper wire.
  produce impulse 0.33   All living organisms produce electrical impulses on an infinitesimal scale.
  suppress impulse 0.33   Suppressing the impulse to dance with abandon is painful for Ms. Kistler.
  curb impulse 0.26   I curbed my impulse to throw the monitor out the window, and called tech support.
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