government impose 28.31   Governments can impose limits.
  authority impose 8.43   Authorities imposed a curfew.
  state impose 6.65   Six other states impose lifetime bans.
  court impose 5.92   The court can impose a fine.
  law impose 5.79   Federal law imposes strict time limits.
  judge impose 5.60   The judge imposed a life sentence.
  country impose 5.13   Other countries impose similar fines.
  army impose 5.00   The army imposed a curfew in Hebron.
  police impose 4.41   Police imposed an indefinite curfew in Imphal.
  sanction impose 4.08   Sanctions imposed on Sierra Leone.
  bill impose 3.82   The bill will not impose new taxes.
  administration impose 3.49   Last November, the Clinton administration imposed sanctions for those sales.
  official impose 2.83   Officials imposed the text of his song, he said.
  measure impose 2.57   Both measures impose a new income requirement.
  regulator impose 2.57   U.S. regulators imposed two conditions, said Roche.
  owner impose 2.24   The owners imposed a lockout eight days later.
  tribunal impose 2.11   The tribunal can impose life imprisonment.
  force impose 1.97   Peace cannot be imposed by force.
  troop impose 1.97   Troops imposed a curfew on Jelazoun.
  company impose 1.91   Many companies have imposed a pay freeze.
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