breast implant 12.97   Invest in breast implants.
  silicone implant 6.25   The same is true with silicone breast implants.
  seed implant 0.59   The ultimate verdict on seed implants will only become clear after many more years of study.
  brain implant 0.53   That would take a brain implant.
  silicon implant 0.53   The company played a large role in helping Dow Corning develop the silicon implants.
  cell implant 0.46   Olanow and his colleagues offered the man a fetal cell implant.
  lens implant 0.46   The standard treatment is to replace it with a plastic lens implant.
  gel implant 0.39   Only two California-based companies, Mentor and McGhan Corps., continue to study gel implants for cancer patients.
  hormone implant 0.39   Hormone implants and vasectomies have not been as successful as birth control pills, Stringfield said.
  hair implant 0.33   Police were not fooled by hair implants altering his formerly balding appearance.
  microchip implant 0.33   Ask your vet about tattoos or microchip implants.
  silicone-gel implant 0.33   Instead, many women with silicone-gel implants were clamoring to have them removed amid reports they might be unsafe.
  knee implant 0.26   Sulzer also made knee implants that were slightly contaminated with oil.
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