break impasse 14.42   What will break the impasse?
  resolve impasse 7.24   How to resolve the impasse?
  reach impasse 7.04   The negotiators have reached an impasse.
  declare impasse 4.94   Both unions in the talks declared an impasse.
  end impasse 4.87   Russia offers new plan to end Kosovo impasse.
  discuss impasse 1.84   Aziz was due to travel to the United States to discuss the impasse.
  hit impasse 1.84   Negotiators hit another impasse in germ warfare talks.
  solve impasse 1.18   He said the army will continue to try to solve the impasse through talks.
  overcome impasse 0.79   The U.S. Army is sending special mediators who will try to overcome such impasses.
  settle impasse 0.79   U.S. officials also emphasized their desire to settle the impasse quickly.
  blame impasse 0.59   Syria has long blamed the impasse in the peace process on Israel.
  create impasse 0.53   The Assembly and Senate have two different bills, creating an impasse.
  cause impasse 0.33   But they are causing an impasse.
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