chemical imbalance 2.90   Someone with a chemical imbalance batting his brain around.
  racial imbalance 1.32   The mere fact of racial imbalance represented a form of inequality.
  hormonal imbalance 0.99   The doctor mentioned a hormonal imbalance.
  economic imbalance 0.92   Accepted economic imbalance and dependence.
  external imbalance 0.59   External imbalances are trade deficits.
  fiscal imbalance 0.53   This has largely been due to continuing fiscal imbalances.
  serious imbalance 0.53   The point is we have a serious structural imbalance with Japan and China.
  competitive imbalance 0.46   Competitive imbalance has been the rule more than the exception in baseball.
  large imbalance 0.39   -- Sound macroeconomic policies and the avoidance of large imbalances will promote exchange rate stability.
  military imbalance 0.39   There are other ways to address the military imbalance.
  regional imbalance 0.39   Hao also highlighted concerns over regional imbalances in the growth rate of tax revenues.
  financial imbalance 0.33   Moreover, return on investments has been minimal to cushion the financial imbalance.
  geographical imbalance 0.33   In recent years, UConn has had to deal with some strange geographical imbalances.
  growing imbalance 0.33   But he too warned of a military gap would contribute to a growing imbalance in the alliance.
  huge imbalance 0.33   There has been a huge imbalance in, how to put it, societal exchange.
  structural imbalance 0.33   The point is we have a serious structural imbalance with Japan and China.
  such imbalance 0.33   Such an imbalance was less important in more urban Massachusetts.
  long-term imbalance 0.26   Suggested it would take a bipartisan commission to find answers for long-term imbalances in Social Security and Medicare.
  social imbalance 0.26   Social imbalance worries him more than inequity of income.
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