capture imagination 10.99   It still captures the imagination.
  use imagination 5.53   Use your imagination.
  fire imagination 2.57   The story fired his imagination.
  catch imagination 2.17   The picture caught their imagination.
  have imagination 2.04   He had imagination, vision.
  lack imagination 1.58   But Holden lacks imagination.
  stretch imagination 1.51   The crash has stretched the imagination of investigators.
  spark imagination 1.12   A tool to spark the imagination.
  seize imagination 0.92   Nothing seizes the imagination.
  stir imagination 0.92   Some tales do stir the imagination.
  show imagination 0.79   The pick showed imagination.
  defy imagination 0.66   Some projects defy the imagination.
  require imagination 0.66   It requires imagination.
  stimulate imagination 0.66   Each therefore stimulates our imagination.
  captivate imagination 0.59   Few cities captivate the imagination as does L.A.
  engage imagination 0.59   Engage your imagination.
  take imagination 0.53   That took imagination.
  grip imagination 0.46   A generation ago, big ranches still gripped the imagination of Texans.
  haunt imagination 0.46   The statues have long haunted the imaginations of explorers, anthropologists and other visitors.
  beggar imagination 0.39   The savagery beggars the imagination.
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