popular imagination 3.55   They loom larger than life in the popular imagination.
  public imagination 3.23   It is part of the public imagination.
  vivid imagination 2.37   The guy had a vivid imagination.
  human imagination 2.24   Human imagination created art from cloth.
  american imagination 1.65   Yet he continues to have a strong hold on the American imagination.
  fertile imagination 1.25   Yes, I have a fertile imagination.
  collective imagination 1.05   Hollywood owns our collective imagination.
  overactive imagination 1.05   I have an overactive imagination.
  national imagination 0.92   And an enduring place in the national imagination.
  active imagination 0.79   These kids have active imaginations.
  great imagination 0.79   But they have great imagination.
  creative imagination 0.66   Offenbach would undoubtedly approve of the exercise of such creative imagination.
  wildest imagination 0.66   A. Reengineering has succeeded beyond my wildest imagination.
  lively imagination 0.59   ...her very lively imagination.
  musical imagination 0.53   Rather, he was a native New Yorker with an expansive musical imagination.
  young imagination 0.53   Young imaginations will soar!
  artistic imagination 0.39   Rather, it is the creative realm of the artistic imagination.
  little imagination 0.39   They carry too much tired gangster baggage and too little imagination.
  fevered imagination 0.33   These stories are merely a product of her fevered imagination.
  literary imagination 0.33   Those suggestions are not merely the product of a hyperactive literary imagination.
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