cause illness 11.19   The illness is caused by a virus.
  treat illness 4.15   The illness is treated with drugs.
  report illness 4.02   No illness was reported.
  have illness 3.62   He has an illness.
  contract illness 2.76   No Carteret employees have contracted the illness.
  prevent illness 2.63   And a flu shot will not prevent their illnesses.
  diagnose illness 2.50   The illness was diagnosed as mumps.
  suffer illness 2.17   Children suffer illnesses.
  cure illness 1.91   Winning would cure that illness.
  fight illness 1.78   But she has fought her illness hard.
  develop illness 1.58   Grazing cattle then develop an illness called fluorosis.
  battle illness 1.18   She has been battling illness for years.
  cover illness 1.18   Insurers package them with high-deductible health coverage to cover catastrophic illnesses.
  feign illness 1.05   I would never feign illness just to get out of a test..
  spread illness 0.99   Thailand is taking steps to see that no animal illnesses are spread.
  disclose illness 0.92   Her illness was not disclosed.
  cite illness 0.79   Osdene sought a delay, citing illness.
  specify illness 0.79   It did not specify his illness.
  detect illness 0.72   And the lab offered a test to detect the illness.
  discuss illness 0.72   Bird has not directly discussed his illness.
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