spark ignite 2.11   A spark of romance ignites.
  fire ignite 1.38   The fire ignited when Bennett was little.
  thunderstorm ignite 0.99   A few thunderstorms will ignite in the sultry air mass.
  fuel ignite 0.79   The fuel ignited from the wick.
  blast ignite 0.59   The blast ignited the fuel tank below.
  explosion ignite 0.59   An accidental flare explosion ignited his hair.
  gas ignite 0.53   However, it was still unclear why the gas ignited.
  issue ignite 0.53   No great national issue ignites teen passions today.
  storm ignite 0.53   A few storms will ignite over the western Dakotas.
  gasoline ignite 0.46   The boys were playing in the creek when the gasoline ignited, Zalin said.
  action ignite 0.39   The action ignites fears of a widening conflict and brings a warning from Washington.
  bomb ignite 0.39   The bomb ignited but caused little damage, SAPA reported.
  move ignite 0.39   The move ignited days of protests.
  comment ignite 0.33   Valencia should bring together the two men whose comments ignited the crisis.
  disturbance ignite 0.33   A weak disturbance may ignite a few afternoon showers over the high ground of eastern Oregon.
  flame ignite 0.33   Two women fanned that spark, and flames ignited.
  report ignite 0.33   Dr Lim said the report could ignite racial feelings particularly in the wake of the economic slowdown.
  tank ignite 0.33   The petrol tank suddenly ignited.
  child ignite 0.26   The Consumer Product Safety Commission said Thursday that children can ignite the lighters, posing a fire and burn hazard.
  conflict ignite 0.26   That conflict ignited wars elsewhere in the region.
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