bargain hunting 16.72   Bargain hunting?
  fox hunting 4.28   Now I talk fox hunting.
  job hunting 3.03   Then Mansdorf went job hunting.
  house hunting 1.51   Their weekends are spent house hunting.
  whale hunting 1.45   Iceland hints it may resume whale hunting.
  deer hunting 1.38   Deer hunting.
  duck hunting 1.12   The duck hunting offers similar quality.
  turkey hunting 1.12   Deer and turkey hunting.
  bear hunting 1.05   Two dumb guys go bear hunting.
  treasure hunting 0.92   He was treasure hunting via satellite.
  apartment hunting 0.66   The apartment hunting is not going well.
  dove hunting 0.66   Bruce Kenyon knows how popular dove hunting is.
  spring hunting 0.66   Spring turkey hunting involves extremes of action and inaction.
  big-game hunting 0.59   Many think big-game hunting by trophy-seeking foreigners will soon resume in Kenya.
  quail hunting 0.53   Quail hunting is a favorite sport.
  bird hunting 0.46   Deer hunting and bird hunting also are big deals.
  bounty hunting 0.46   Who knew the penance of purgatory involved bounty hunting?
  drag hunting 0.33   We do not consider drag hunting to be an alternative.
  goose hunting 0.33   Stanfield said the goose hunting is as good as it has been in years.
  seal hunting 0.33   He devotes his time to fighting Norwegian whaling and seal hunting.
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