widespread hunger 3.55   All reported widespread hunger in the country.
  spiritual hunger 0.86   A true spiritual hunger?
  insatiable hunger 0.66   The insatiable hunger for anything new and shrink-wrapped.
  severe hunger 0.66   Severe hunger crisis worsened by government mismanagement.
  global hunger 0.53   But the stubborn realities of global hunger and poverty that help fuel hatred exist.
  growing hunger 0.46   But they are too few and too poorly supplied to counter the cold, dirt and growing hunger.
  public hunger 0.39   The public hunger for their relationship to work was a major tension.
  same hunger 0.39   They now have the same hunger and drive that you once had.
  chronic hunger 0.33   The nation is weathering its fourth winter of chronic hunger.
  deep hunger 0.33   Such public commitment fulfills a deep hunger in people.
  constant hunger 0.26   Constant hunger or thirst.
  great hunger 0.26   There was a great hunger.
  new hunger 0.26   I had a new hunger.
  real hunger 0.26   But she cannot close her eyes to her real hungers.
  voracious hunger 0.26   Crichton kept his voracious hunger for science but switched his career to writer.
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