use humor 5.86   Adams also used humor.
  find humor 4.08   I find humor in it.
  see humor 2.96   Jerry saw the humor.
  inject humor 1.05   He also injects a little humor now and then.
  have humor 0.99   It has humor.
  show humor 0.66   Show some humor.
  mix humor 0.53   He mixes humor with challenge, expertise with fun.
  add humor 0.39   Italian actor tries to adds humor to the unthinkable.
  appreciate humor 0.39   He also seems to appreciate humor in others.
  like humor 0.39   I like his humor.
  maintain humor 0.33   It was created by David Neilson, a company manager from Los Angeles who maintains a humor Web site.
  bring humor 0.26   We wanted the things that bring humor to a very dark story.
  enjoy humor 0.26   I enjoy the humor.
  get humor 0.26   They got the nihilism, but they got the humor, too.
  keep humor 0.26   Keep your humor, please,
  love humor 0.26   They loved his humor.
  put humor 0.26   Put more humor into your life.
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