suffer humiliation 1.84   The humiliation he was suffering?
  avoid humiliation 1.71   ...a gritty determination to avoid humiliation.
  face humiliation 1.12   They face public humiliation.
  endure humiliation 0.92   The United States endured humiliation at home and abroad.
  risk humiliation 0.72   Why risk the humiliation again?
  bring humiliation 0.39   Each day seems to bring fresh humiliations for the church.
  avenge humiliation 0.26   Certainly, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had a motive for the bombing -- to avenge his humiliation in the Gulf War.
  bear humiliation 0.26   Most killed themselves because they could not bear the humiliation.
  escape humiliation 0.26   It is not Christians who withhold the forbearance Dole needs to escape humiliation.
  have humiliation 0.26   The budget crunch has its humiliations.
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