toll-free hotline 1.51   It has a toll-free hotline.
  emergency hotline 1.18   Authorities set up an emergency hotline for residents.
  special hotline 1.05   The bank has set up special hotlines for depositors.
  nationwide hotline 0.59   The nationwide hotline is intended to get repentant neo-Nazi extremists to contact officials directly.
  new hotline 0.46   But he did not say when the new hotline would be in place.
  psychic hotline 0.46   The Loretta Lynn psychic hotline?
  latest hotline 0.33   After police, fire and ambulance services, the latest hotline in Italy is for tracking down tax evaders.
  local hotline 0.33   She coordinated everything through local hotlines.
  national hotline 0.33   One woman even reported the leak to a national hotline in Washington, D.C.
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