race horse 6.58   He loves being a race horse.
  police horse 2.70   Two police horses also were injured.
  gift horse 1.51   You never look a gift horse in the mouth.
  show horse 1.51   He is more of a work horse than a show horse.
  war horse 1.51   And Dole is a war horse.
  draft horse 1.45   Young raised and showed draft horses.
  speed horse 1.32   These are two quality speed horses.
  miniature horse 1.12   Thia is one of a rare breed of miniature horses.
  handicap horse 0.86   It is a heavy burden being a top-level handicap horse.
  stake horse 0.86   Passero has won with an occasional stakes horse.
  carriage horse 0.79   Carriage horses wore Yankee caps.
  clothes horse 0.79   I think, put the clothes horse out for now.
  turf horse 0.79   Is Awad the Mercedes of turf horses?
  quality horse 0.72   These are two good quality horses.
  carousel horse 0.66   Rides on runaway carousel horses?
  grass horse 0.59   Fourstardave was my best grass horse.
  work horse 0.59   He is more of a work horse than a show horse.
  hobby horse 0.53   He sometimes rode the instrument like a hobby horse.
  plow horse 0.53   A plow horse, yes.
  time horse 0.46   You can only beat a dead horse so many times.
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