english hooligan 2.50   The Italians put the blame on drunken English hooligans.
  known hooligan 1.91   English police helped spot known hooligans.
  german hooligan 1.18   French police used sticks to fight the German hooligans.
  suspected hooligan 1.05   The suspected hooligans had their passports taken away.
  british hooligan 0.53   And no British hooligans or Cantona kicks, please.
  young hooligan 0.53   Worn by young hooligans, punks, football thugs.
  dutch hooligan 0.46   Dutch hooligans have become increasingly organized in recent years, using mobile telephones and the Internet to schedule fights.
  drunken hooligan 0.39   The Italians put the blame on drunken English hooligans.
  protestant hooligan 0.39   That show is about a Protestant hooligan.
  habitual hooligan 0.26   Several Italian deputies on Monday urged life ban of habitual hooligans from soccer stadiums and the abolition of special trains for fans to curb escalating violence.
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