satellite hookup 3.82   They exchanged wedding vows via satellite hookup.
  television hookup 1.05   Only relatives would be permitted to view the special television hookup, he said.
  telephone hookup 0.92   U.S. prosecutors followed the proceedings by a telephone hookup from Maryland.
  radio hookup 0.86   Goldin asked in a radio hookup from Johnson Space Center in Houston.
  computer hookup 0.79   The servers allow a computer hookup to the Internet through a local telephone number.
  cable hookup 0.66   Playback requires cable hookup.
  sewer hookup 0.39   Similar to the cabin here, it had no sewer hookup.
  modem hookup 0.26   Rooms have Casablanca fans, VCRs, and phones with modem hookups.
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