receive honor 6.91   Shils received many honors.
  win honor 5.20   David Bowie won the honor.
  have honor 3.95   Johnson had the honor last year.
  do honor 3.55   Sergio did the honors.
  earn honor 3.49   Ripken earned MVP honors.
  take honor 3.42   Yaqthan took honors in the turf horse category.
  defend honor 2.50   You defend its honor.
  share honor 2.30   Martin shared MVP honors.
  bestow honor 1.84   The honor was first bestowed on Thomas Edison.
  give honor 1.84   The other side gave the honor to Gore.
  bring honor 1.78   May we bring honor to his name.
  deserve honor 1.71   The honor is deserved.
  accept honor 1.58   He accepted the honor with humility.
  award honor 1.58   Larry Brown was awarded the honor.
  get honor 1.32   Gramm gets the honors.
  restore honor 1.32   Lewis cared enough to want to restore his honor.
  claim honor 0.72   Two organizations are claiming that honor.
  protect honor 0.66   Now he is protecting the honor of the game?
  accord honor 0.53   And the Defense Department rarely accords the honor of burial at sea to civilians.
  announce honor 0.53   The honors were announced Thursday.
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