infield hit 9.35   Three infield hits?
  two-run hit 3.69   Tim Salmon hit a two-run homer and had four RBIs for Anaheim.
  clutch hit 3.29   Where are the clutch hits?
  three-run hit 2.50   He made contact, all right, and hit a three-run home run.
  storm hit 2.30   York said he began to run as the storm hit.
  ball hit 2.11   Gotta a hit the ball!
  season hit 2.11   Fox took some big hits last season.
  country hit 1.71   I think it was only a country hit, right?
  two-out hit 1.65   Five of the runs came on two-out hits.
  crisis hit 1.51   That was before the worst of the crisis hit.
  plane hit 1.51   It was the fourth plane hit at the airport in six days.
  contract hit 1.45   Police considered the killing a contract hit, he said.
  missile hit 1.45   Two Israelis were killed in missile hits.
  area hit 1.18   The area hit Friday endured a similar rocket attack last week.
  surprise hit 1.18   Last year, Tickle Me Elmo was a surprise hit.
  mob hit 1.12   Maybe it was a mob hit.
  quake hit 0.99   If such a quake hit, Memphis would be devastated.
  year hit 0.92   Several are hits this year.
  cult hit 0.86   Forget cult hit.
  earthquake hit 0.86   That was before the earthquake hit.
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