nearby hilltop 0.92   Serb policemen watched from a nearby hilltop.
  rocky hilltop 0.86   The settlers sat arm-in-arm on the rocky hilltop, praying and singing Zionist songs.
  disputed hilltop 0.79   The disputed hilltop would be under Palestinian sovereignty, according to the proposal.
  new hilltop 0.53   Wallerstein discounted most of the new hilltop communities.
  barren hilltop 0.39   With few natural forests Israel expends much effort to plant barren hilltops.
  dusty hilltop 0.39   Here in the dusty hilltop village where high rebel commanders do business, the mood this weekend was defiantly optimistic.
  israeli hilltop 0.39   At night, bright halogen lights identify the Israeli hilltops.
  exposed hilltop 0.33   Intermittent cloudbursts sweeping across the exposed hilltop of the course affected everybody.
  isolated hilltop 0.33   Sharon said isolated hilltops had to be taken to provide security to settlements or roads used by settlers.
  strategic hilltop 0.33   When Israeli troops occupied southern Lebanon, they could seize strategic hilltops as they pleased.
  adjacent hilltop 0.26   Scores of Syrians gathered on an adjacent hilltop across the border, dancing around photos of President Hafez Assad.
  beautiful hilltop 0.26   He lives in one of those impossibly beautiful hilltop mansions, conducting business meetings by his pool via cellular phone.
  scattered hilltop 0.26   Small groups of settlers, meanwhile, resumed protests on scattered West Bank hilltops.
  secluded hilltop 0.26   The turnabout by the northern alliance led to a surge of optimism at the talks in a secluded hilltop hotel.
  surrounding hilltop 0.26   But on the surrounding hilltops guards with binoculars and Kalashnikov rifles keep watch, and prison guards insist no one has ever escaped.
  windswept hilltop 0.26   The two stories culminated recently on a windswept hilltop here in the village of her birth.
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