ant hill 0.72   Seurat shimmers in this ant hill.
  desert hill 0.72   Burnt desert hills rise implacably behind the dead-silent tableau.
  limestone hill 0.66   It sits in limestone hills covered by Mediterranean scrub vegetation and olive groves.
  ski hill 0.39   Along the way, they point out the flora and fauna of the ski hill.
  dirt hill 0.33   A guy stands on a dirt hill and holds the ball.
  granite hill 0.33   Beyond the sand rose dense rain-forest jungle, clinging thickly to giant granite hills.
  al-tuffah hill 0.26   Two Israeli jets flew over positions of the Hezbollah guerrilla group in the Iqlim al-Tuffah hills, the officials said.
  border hill 0.26   Wide anti-tank ditches scar the border hills.
  termite hill 0.26   All over the tropics stand termite hills.
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