kill hijacker 3.03   The four hijackers were killed.
  overpower hijacker 2.63   Security forces overpower hijacker.
  return hijacker 1.97   It has demanded all hijackers be returned for trial.
  identify hijacker 1.84   Police have not yet identified the hijacker.
  arrest hijacker 1.71   The hijacker was arrested.
  arm hijacker 1.58   The agency did not say how the hijackers were armed.
  capture hijacker 0.92   Police gave no details of how the two hijackers were captured.
  repatriate hijacker 0.72   Both sides are negotiating an agreement to repatriate hijackers.
  seize hijacker 0.66   Reports said the hijacker was seized.
  say hijacker 0.59   Police said one hijacker and two policemen were killed.
  aid hijacker 0.46   Taliban spokesmen deny aiding the hijackers.
  extradite hijacker 0.46   Cuba has been frustrated by the US refusal to extradite hijackers.
  help hijacker 0.46   Amin, then in power, helped the hijackers and likely ordered the killing of a hostage.
  include hijacker 0.46   The rest, including the hijackers, filed down the stairs two hours later.
  link hijacker 0.46   Other hijackers have been linked to the U.A.E. by their passports.
  turn hijacker 0.46   The hijackers were turned over to Italian authorities.
  fight hijacker 0.39   A fourth crashed in rural Pennsylvania, apparently after passengers fought their hijackers.
  take hijacker 0.39   The hijacker was taken into custody without a fight.
  apprehend hijacker 0.33   None of the passengers or crew are seriously injured as the hijacker is apprehended.
  attack hijacker 0.33   Her husband, Thomas Jr., was among the men who attacked the hijackers.
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