keep high 8.36   They risk huge losses if the index is kept high.
  hold high 7.04   He spoke with his head held high.
  set high 4.28   The bar is set high.
  consider high 2.50   And that was considered high.
  get high 1.45   He was the one who got us high on this horse.
  send high 0.92   The explosion late Friday sent sparks high into the night sky.
  rate high 0.86   No U.S. city rated that high.
  put high 0.79   But they are finding that putting programs high on the agenda is not enough.
  score high 0.79   Yugoslavia wants to beat the United States Thursday and score high.
  price high 0.59   Some say that the short end of the market is priced rather high relative to prices in August.
  cut high 0.53   Schulz is cut high on the right forehead.
  shoot high 0.53   I was going to shoot high, but the puck came off my stick low.
  deem high 0.46   Henry said his company will contest taxes that it deems too high.
  drive high 0.33   Fisk turned on the second pitch, a sinker down and in, and drove it high into the darkness.
  find high 0.33   As always, women and gays find themselves high on the most-bashable list.
  buy high 0.26   Simple mathematics will tell you that we are buying high and selling low.
  call high 0.26   The ball was over the middle of the plate and it was called high.
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