raid hideout 3.69   Palestinian police raid hideout.
  storm hideout 1.51   A SWAT team stormed the hideout at dawn Friday.
  attack hideout 0.92   Israeli warplanes attack guerrilla hideouts in South Lebanon after three militij.
  have hideout 0.86   Bin Laden has hideouts throughout Afghanistan.
  surround hideout 0.72   Libyan forces later pursued the fleeing prisoners to surrounding mountain hideouts.
  find hideout 0.53   On Rock Hill, the men found a hideout that seems perfectly fashioned, in hindsight, for what they had in mind.
  provide hideout 0.39   Crisscrossed by mountain ranges, Afghanistan provides limitless hideouts.
  approach hideout 0.33   The suspects started firing as police approached their hideout.
  discover hideout 0.33   He guessed, rightly, that the kidnappers did not want their hideout discovered - at least, not yet.
  flee hideout 0.33   He had been seeking political asylum in Russia after fleeing his hideout in Syria.
  bomb hideout 0.26   U.S. forces have been bombing underground hideouts in recent weeks to prevent them from regrouping.
  shell hideout 0.26   Witnesses said helicopters and tanks then shelled the hideout.
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