use help 30.94   Helicopters were used to help fight the blaze.
  do help 20.34   If so, what can you do to help?
  can help 13.56   I did what I could to help him.
  work help 8.16   You work to help it change.
  rush help 5.46   A surgeon rushed to help.
  stop help 5.33   No one stopped to help.
  set_up help 4.81   Emergency centers were set up to help workers.
  arrive help 4.67   Two teammates arrived to help.
  create help 2.90   The tax was created to help the city of Miami out of bankruptcy.
  return help 2.57   He returned to help the team win the AL West.
  be help 2.44   To help us to be friends to those we meet.
  intervene help 2.44   Officials said President Clinton was ready to intervene to help close a deal.
  establish help 2.37   A fund was established to help with expenses.
  will help 2.17   But willing to help.
  spend help 2.11   Time is also spent helping elderly and disabled people.
  enlist help 2.04   The public are being enlisted to help.
  call help 1.91   Who can you call to help?
  run help 1.91   We ran to help.
  deploy help 1.58   Police dogs were deployed to help maintain security.
  develop help 1.58   Portable pumps are being developed to help weakened hearts.
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