new height 19.75   War fever had reached new heights.
  strategic height 4.74   The accident occurred on the strategic height south of Sarajevo.
  same height 4.41   I jump the same height.
  greater height 4.34   One guy wins and goes on to greater heights.
  great height 4.02   Cnet rode that wave to great heights.
  average height 2.70   She is of average height.
  full height 2.70   Again Varney stood to full height.
  dizzying height 2.57   Prices can reach dizzying heights.
  medium height 2.17   He was a man of medium height.
  record height 2.11   Unemployment has reached record heights.
  different height 2.04   Get different heights.
  normal height 1.78   Seas remain at or below normal heights.
  dizzy height 1.45   In fact, equity prices touched dizzy heights.
  unprecedented height 1.25   Morale, presumably, will rise to unprecedented heights.
  varying height 1.05   Choose plants of varying heights.
  extra height 0.86   Floor-to-ceiling windows can give the illusion of extra height.
  lofty height 0.86   From such lofty heights, perhaps all he could do was fall.
  right height 0.86   Make sure your computer screen is at the right height.
  ceiling height 0.79   Ceiling heights will vary.
  building height 0.66   But this gain in flexibility means a loss in building height.
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