artificial heart 11.78   He was given an artificial heart.
  broken heart 9.28   Broken hearts.
  human heart 8.23   Take the human heart.
  very heart 7.70   Some go to the very heart of the concept.
  new heart 6.78   New hearts.
  serious heart 6.06   She has a serious heart condition.
  open heart 5.92   Open heart surgery is risky and dangerous.
  big heart 5.86   Big heart. . . .
  irregular heart 5.40   All they saw was an irregular big old heart.
  heavy heart 5.07   I have a heavy heart.
  good heart 4.61   Good heart. . . .
  weak heart 3.23   My grandfather had a weak heart.
  beating heart 2.90   It needs a beating heart.
  quintuple heart 2.70   Yeltsin underwent quintuple heart bypass surgery last year.
  damaged heart 2.63   Being active is good for damaged hearts.
  congenital heart 2.50   She briefly simulated a class on congenital heart defects.
  self-contained heart 2.44   Four others have since received the self-contained artificial heart.
  enlarged heart 2.37   An autopsy showed he had an enlarged heart.
  lonely heart 2.37   She replied to a lonely hearts ad.
  abnormal heart 2.11   ...abnormal heart rhythms and high anxiety levels.
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