migraine headache 6.98   The migraine headaches worsened.
  tension headache 1.97   Tension headaches?
  security headache 0.92   It is a security headache of huge proportions.
  sinus headache 0.53   What is a sinus headache?
  tax headache 0.39   Below is a guide to the worst tax headaches on record and how you can avoid them.
  selection headache 0.33   Vogts has a major selection headache and was even considering using goalkeepers as outfield players.
  traffic headache 0.33   And organizers were prepared long before to try to avoid the antic ipated traffic headaches.
  day headache 0.26   I had headaches all day, every day.
  experience headache 0.26   Rosa, who no longer experiences headaches, had been skating with the Kings. . . .
  travel headache 0.26   Also placing Olympic ticket-holders on islands could risk travel headaches.
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