thick haze 5.66   Thick haze hung over parts of Sydney.
  smoky haze 2.83   A smoky haze covered the city.
  smoke haze 2.44   Singapore was clear of smoke haze Friday.
  choking haze 1.91   Then came a choking haze that frightened off tourists.
  blue haze 1.38   A pale blue haze hung over the far-off mountains.
  brown haze 0.99   Red clay runs into streams and brown haze hangs low.
  purple haze 0.86   Purple haze.
  gray haze 0.72   The remnants of nitromethane fuel hung in the air in a gray haze.
  heavy haze 0.66   Heavy haze in Malaysia caused schools in Labuan and Sipitang and the Miri airport to shut on Friday.
  white haze 0.59   But in and around the park, frustration lingers like the white haze.
  golden haze 0.46   The sun was surrounded by a golden haze.
  health-threatening haze 0.46   The forest fires have produced a health-threatening haze that hangs over much of Southeast Asia.
  mild haze 0.46   A mild haze could also be seen at most locations.
  recent haze 0.46   Consider the recent haze.
  slight haze 0.46   The cause of the slight haze has yet to be established.
  moderate haze 0.39   Only Miri is experiencing moderate haze with visibility reduced to three kilometres.
  drug-induced haze 0.33   She stumbled around in a drug-induced haze.
  yellowish haze 0.33   Helicopter TV footage showed the snow-capped volcano wreathed in a yellowish haze Monday.
  bluish haze 0.26   A bluish haze hung over the valley.
  noxious haze 0.26   All kinds of vehicles pump pollutants that cover the city in a noxious haze.
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