pose hazard 5.13   Rape and war pose other hazards.
  create hazard 2.11   He was creating a hazard for others.
  eliminate hazard 1.32   Under the law, the companies can begin selling meat again once they eliminate the hazards.
  reduce hazard 1.32   Other methods can reduce fire hazards.
  have hazard 1.25   But in aviation, you have hazards.
  avoid hazard 1.12   Can all these hazards possibly be avoided?
  present hazard 1.05   Also, windy conditions may present special hazards.
  cause hazard 0.86   Besides, these cause health hazard.
  identify hazard 0.59   It is important to identify hazards systematically.
  face hazard 0.53   And the bill faces other hazards.
  minimize hazard 0.39   Rather, take a few steps to minimize the hazards lurking in your refuge.
  understand hazard 0.39   Toxicologists attempt to identify and understand toxic hazards.
  acknowledge hazard 0.33   Fairbanks acknowledged the hazards of excessive overtime.
  assess hazard 0.33   Federal officials rushed to the scene to assess the hazard.
  highlight hazard 0.33   Other works highlight the hazards of pesticides, chemical pollution and the hereditary nature of breast cancer.
  increase hazard 0.33   The officials say that removal of all lead paint would increase the hazard to children by creating more lead dust.
  prevent hazard 0.33   Several measures will be taken to prevent the hazard.
  remove hazard 0.33   Once a hazard is removed from a factory, he said, it is likely to remain removed.
  see hazard 0.33   But most health hazards cannot be seen by the naked eye.
  show hazard 0.33   This edition also shows the hazards of simply reprinting a book in the United States that was prepared for publication in Britain.
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