wear hat 19.09   I wore a hat in bed.
  throw hat 5.86   They throw their hats.
  tip hat 5.60   Tip your hat.
  take hat 3.03   They took the hat.
  remove hat 2.37   He removed his hat.
  pass hat 2.30   Fellow newsroomers passed the hat.
  hang hat 1.51   Wherever I hang my hat.
  make hat 1.38   I even had some hats made.
  have hat 1.05   Our mayor has a hat.
  matching hat 0.92   Next is a purple plaid suit with a velvet collar and matching hat.
  don hat 0.79   I donned the hat.
  get hat 0.72   You got hats.
  toss hat 0.66   Also, be wary of the critic who wants to toss his hat in the air.
  put hat 0.59   Never put a hat on a bed.
  raise hat 0.59   Raising the hat, she gazed at him.
  wave hat 0.59   He waved his hat to the fans several times as he walked to the dugout.
  change hat 0.53   The protagonists change hats with hardly an eyebrow raised.
  hold hat 0.53   She holds her hat on her head with one hand.
  knock_off hat 0.53   She kicked him on the leg and also knocked his hat off.
  like hat 0.53   I liked his hat a lot.
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