look happen 4.34   Look what happens.
  be happen 3.09   It was all happening live.
  wonder happen 1.78   He wondered whatever happened to them.
  know happen 1.18   Mandy was curious to know what happened.
  say happen 1.12   Miller said that happens frequently.
  see happen 0.99   You do the best you can, see what happens.
  study happen 0.92   Lewin has studied what happens to aggressive boys as they age.
  think happen 0.66   I think what happened is he found a groove.
  examine happen 0.39   The latest experiment examines what happens when the tank is half-full.
  explain happen 0.33   But no one, he said, has explained what happens afterward.
  have happen 0.33   What happened in Reconstruction has relevance.
  ask happen 0.26   Now and then, an old goat who nodded off will awaken with a start, and ask whatever happened to Sonja Henie.
  determine happen 0.26   Leaving the cars as they were when the accident occurred helps the police determine what happened.
  ignore happen 0.26   No one can forget or ignore what happened.
  remember happen 0.26   This is definitely Oscar material, provided Academy voters can remember what happened back in June.
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